take into consideration the economic effect. 讲究经济效益
L mean you need to take into consideration the semitrailer its behavior. 升意味着你需要考虑到其行为的半挂车。
We have to take into consideration the parameter of practicality and artistry. 我们应该将艺术性和实用性等因素都考虑在内。
Such agreement should take into consideration the Parties'liabilities under Agreement. 这些协议须在约定双方责任得基础上进行制定。
The setting of mechanical specifications for catalysts should take into consideration the needs of the user. 催化剂的机械测试技术规范的制定应考虑到用户的需要。
At turnouts, ballast distribution shall take into consideration the additional volume needed for the turnout. 道岔上的道碴分配应考虑到道岔需要的额外容量。
In your opinion, please take into consideration that credit apparently does not request the blank endorsement. 在答复时请注意信用证表面未要求空白背书。
While carrying out reform in an enterprise, it's hard to make a unified plan so as to take into consideration every aspect. 企业改革很难做到统筹兼顾。
A cablestayed bridge design should take into consideration the harmonious relationship between the bridge and its ambient environment. 在斜拉设计中, 需要考虑桥梁与周围环境相协调。
A comprehensive assessment of the household food security situation would take into consideration both government and programme interventions. 对住户粮食安全状况的全面评估将考虑到政府和方案供应。